Loops With R – Creating a Racecard with Trainer and Jockey Stats
By Phill Clarke on Tuesday, June 19th, 2018Yesterday we looked at how to create a function in order to easily run the same set of code multiple times, without having to manually edit the code every time. While this is a highly useful concept to understand, we’re still left with manually applying the trainer and jockey combinations for each runner. It remains a time consuming task. Therefore, this article covers creating a basic for
loop to iterate over the rows of a dataframe and apply a function to each of them.
There are many ways to loop over the rows of a dataframe, list or matrix in R. Some methods are more efficient than others, while some are perhaps more logical than others. Specifically this article demonstrates how to apply a for
loop, which rightly receives some criticism for being slow to execute in certain circumstances. For our purposes, with a limited number of rows, this will not be a problem. However, the reader should investigate R’s apply
family of functions and also the map
function in the purrr
The full R code will be provided within the article, as there have been some useful changes made to code used previously. The complete code will also, as usual, be provided at the end of this article.
Begin by returning historic racing results, this time since 2013 for a full five year dataset and also from tomorrow’s race card:
# Load the library packages
# Connect to the Smartform database. Substitute the placeholder credentials for your own.
# The IP address can be substituted for a remote location if appropriate.
con <- dbConnect(MySQL(),
# Select relevant historic results
sql1 <- paste("SELECT historic_races.course,
FROM smartform.historic_runners
JOIN smartform.historic_races USING (race_id)
WHERE historic_races.meeting_date >= '2012-01-01'", sep="")
smartform_results <- dbGetQuery(con, sql1)
# Select relevant daily results for tomorrow
sql2 <- paste("SELECT daily_races.course,
FROM smartform.daily_races
JOIN smartform.daily_runners USING (race_id)
WHERE daily_races.meeting_date >='2018-06-20'", sep="")
smartform_daily_results <- dbGetQuery(con, sql2)
Next is the Trainer/Jockey function explained yesterday. However, the code will be broken into a few sections, as there have been some changes incorporated.
The function, as detailed previously:
# Name the function and add some arguments
tj <- function(race_filter = "", price_filter = 1000, trainer, jockey){
# Filter for flat races only
flat_races_only <- dplyr::filter(smartform_results,
race_type_id == 12 |
race_type_id == 15)
# Add an if else statement for the race_filter argument
if (race_filter == "group"){
filtered_races <- dplyr::filter(flat_races_only,
group_race == 1 |
group_race == 2 |
group_race == 3 )
} else {
filtered_races = flat_races_only
# Filter by trainer name
trainer_filtered <- dplyr::filter(filtered_races,
grepl(trainer, trainer_name))
# Remove non-runners
trainer_name_filtered <- dplyr::filter(trainer_filtered, !is.na(finish_position))
# Filter by jockey name
trainer_jockey_filtered <- dplyr::filter(trainer_filtered,
grepl(jockey, jockey_name))
# Filter by price
trainer_jockey_price_filtered <- dplyr::filter(trainer_jockey_filtered,
starting_price_decimal <= price_filter)
# Calculate Profit and Loss
trainer_jockey_cumulative <- cumsum(
ifelse(trainer_jockey_price_filtered$finish_position == 1,
# Calculate Strike Rate
winners <- nrow(dplyr::filter(trainer_jockey_price_filtered,
finish_position == 1))
runners <- nrow(trainer_jockey_price_filtered)
strike_rate <- (winners / runners) * 100
# Calculate Profit on Turnover or Yield
profit_on_turnover <- (tail(trainer_jockey_cumulative, n=1) / runners) * 100
# Check if POT is zero length to catch later errors
if (length(profit_on_turnover) == 0) profit_on_turnover <- 0
The last line above is new. This line is being used to catch any instances where the profit on turnover figure is of zero length. That means that the calculation has not been successful, usually because there were no runners for the combination of trainer and jockey.
Continuing with the function:
# Calculate Impact Values
# First filter all runners by price, to return those just starting at the price_filter or less
all_runners <- nrow(dplyr::filter(filtered_races,
starting_price_decimal <= price_filter))
# Filter all winners by the price filter
all_winners <- nrow(dplyr::filter(filtered_races,
finish_position == 1 &
starting_price_decimal <= price_filter))
# Now calculate the Impact Value
iv <- (winners / all_winners) / (runners / all_runners)
# Calculate Actual vs Expected ratio
# # Convert all decimal odds to probabilities
total_sp <- sum(1/trainer_jockey_price_filtered$starting_price_decimal)
# Calculate A/E by dividing the number of winners, by the sum of all SP probabilities.
ae <- winners / total_sp
# Calculate Archie
archie <- (runners * (winners - total_sp)^2)/ (total_sp * (runners - total_sp))
# Calculate the Confidence figure
conf <- pchisq(archie, df = 1)*100
# Create an empty variable
trainer_jockey <- NULL
# Add all calculated figures as named objects to the variable, which creates a list
trainer_jockey$tj_runners <- runners
trainer_jockey$tj_winners <- winners
trainer_jockey$tj_sr <- strike_rate
trainer_jockey$tj_pot <- profit_on_turnover
trainer_jockey$tj_iv <- iv
trainer_jockey$tj_ae <- ae
trainer_jockey$tj_conf <- conf
# Add an error check to convert all NaN values to zero
final_results <- unlist(trainer_jockey)
final_results[ is.nan(final_results) ] <- 0
# Manipulate the layout of returned results to be a nice dataframe
final_results <- t(as.data.frame(final_results))
rownames(final_results) <- c()
# 2 decimal places only
round(final_results, 2)
# Finally, close the function
Once again, there are some new lines in the final part of the function above. The results are checked for NaN
values, which again occur if a calculation has failed. It is not possible, for example, to calculate strike rate if there are no runners for the trainer and jockey combination. Error checking such as this will take some time to implement, but does save a lot of headaches later.
The results are then transformed, with t
from a long to wide dataframe, the rownames are removed and all results rounded to two decimal places.
Now, we move on to the new section for this article. First, filter the current daily races for Group races only and also create an empty placeholder list.
# Filter tomorrow's races for Group races only
group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(smartform_daily_results,
grepl(paste(c("Group 1", "Group 2", "Group 3"), collapse="|"), race_title))
# Create a placeholder list which will be required later
row <- list()
Then start the for
loop, which essentially says for every value of name
, which is the column containing the horse’s name, apply the code which follows. This code includes extracing the trainer and jockey names, then executing the function defined earlier. Lastly, the data is iteratively added to the emtpy list and converted to a dataframe.
# Setup the loop
# For each horse in the group_races_only dataframe
for (i in group_races_only$name) {
runner_details = group_races_only[group_races_only$name==i,]
# Extract trainer and jockey names
trainer = runner_details$trainer_name
jockey = runner_details$jockey_name
# Apply the Trainer/Jockey function for Group races only
trainer_jockey_combo <- tj(race_filter = "group",
trainer = trainer,
jockey = jockey)
# Add results row by row to the previously defined list
row[[i]] <- trainer_jockey_combo
# Create a final dataframe
stats_final <- as.data.frame(do.call("rbind", row))
As a final piece of code, we bind the new data and the general racing data from the Smartform database in a new variable called racecard
. Viewing this racecard will now display the strike rate, profit on turnover, impact value, actual vs expected and confidence figure for every jockey and trainer combination in Group races on tomorrow’s race card. They are of course all at Royal Ascot.
# Create a new variable called racecard. Bind together the generic race details with the newly created stats
racecard <- cbind(group_races_only,stats_final)
This data can now be reviewed for interesting angles. The screenshot below displays the data ordered descending from the highest A/E value. The first thing to notice about the top three entries is the very small sample size, with only three of four runs. However, the fourth entry for Cox and Kirby does have a robust sample size and some very good figures. Shades of Blue in the Queen Mary Stakes tomorrow at Royal Ascot is certainly worth a closer look. As are the Gosden and Dettori trio of Stream of Stars, Cracksman and Purser. This combination already struck three times today with Calyx, Without Parole and Monarch’s Glen.
Good luck!
Questions and queries about this article should be posted as a comment below or on the Betwise Q&A board.
The full R code used in this article is found below.
# Load the library packages
# Connect to the Smartform database. Substitute the placeholder credentials for your own.
# The IP address can be substituted for a remote location if appropriate.
con <- dbConnect(MySQL(),
# Select relevant historic results
sql1 <- paste("SELECT historic_races.course,
FROM smartform.historic_runners
JOIN smartform.historic_races USING (race_id)
WHERE historic_races.meeting_date >= '2012-01-01'", sep="")
smartform_results <- dbGetQuery(con, sql1)
# Select relevant daily results for tomorrow
sql2 <- paste("SELECT daily_races.course,
FROM smartform.daily_races
JOIN smartform.daily_runners USING (race_id)
WHERE daily_races.meeting_date >='2018-06-20'", sep="")
smartform_daily_results <- dbGetQuery(con, sql2)
# Name the function and add some arguments
tj <- function(race_filter = "", price_filter = 1000, trainer, jockey){
# Filter for flat races only
flat_races_only <- dplyr::filter(smartform_results,
race_type_id == 12 |
race_type_id == 15)
# Add an if else statement for the race_filter argument
if (race_filter == "group"){
filtered_races <- dplyr::filter(flat_races_only,
group_race == 1 |
group_race == 2 |
group_race == 3 )
} else {
filtered_races = flat_races_only
# Filter by trainer name
trainer_filtered <- dplyr::filter(filtered_races,
grepl(trainer, trainer_name))
# Remove non-runners
trainer_name_filtered <- dplyr::filter(trainer_filtered, !is.na(finish_position))
# Filter by jockey name
trainer_jockey_filtered <- dplyr::filter(trainer_filtered,
grepl(jockey, jockey_name))
# Filter by price
trainer_jockey_price_filtered <- dplyr::filter(trainer_jockey_filtered,
starting_price_decimal <= price_filter)
# Calculate Profit and Loss
trainer_jockey_cumulative <- cumsum(
ifelse(trainer_jockey_price_filtered$finish_position == 1,
# Calculate Strike Rate
winners <- nrow(dplyr::filter(trainer_jockey_price_filtered,
finish_position == 1))
runners <- nrow(trainer_jockey_price_filtered)
strike_rate <- (winners / runners) * 100
# Calculate Profit on Turnover or Yield
profit_on_turnover <- (tail(trainer_jockey_cumulative, n=1) / runners) * 100
# Check if POT is zero length to catch later errors
if (length(profit_on_turnover) == 0) profit_on_turnover <- 0
# Calculate Impact Values
# First filter all runners by price, to return those just starting at the price_filter or less
all_runners <- nrow(dplyr::filter(filtered_races,
starting_price_decimal <= price_filter))
# Filter all winners by the price filter
all_winners <- nrow(dplyr::filter(filtered_races,
finish_position == 1 &
starting_price_decimal <= price_filter))
# Now calculate the Impact Value
iv <- (winners / all_winners) / (runners / all_runners)
# Calculate Actual vs Expected ratio
# # Convert all decimal odds to probabilities
total_sp <- sum(1/trainer_jockey_price_filtered$starting_price_decimal)
# Calculate A/E by dividing the number of winners, by the sum of all SP probabilities.
ae <- winners / total_sp
# Calculate Archie
archie <- (runners * (winners - total_sp)^2)/ (total_sp * (runners - total_sp))
# Calculate the Confidence figure
conf <- pchisq(archie, df = 1)*100
# Create an empty variable
trainer_jockey <- NULL
# Add all calculated figures as named objects to the variable, which creates a list
trainer_jockey$tj_runners <- runners
trainer_jockey$tj_winners <- winners
trainer_jockey$tj_sr <- strike_rate
trainer_jockey$tj_pot <- profit_on_turnover
trainer_jockey$tj_iv <- iv
trainer_jockey$tj_ae <- ae
trainer_jockey$tj_conf <- conf
# Add an error check to convert all NaN values to zero
final_results <- unlist(trainer_jockey)
final_results[ is.nan(final_results) ] <- 0
# Manipulate the layout of returned results to be a nice dataframe
final_results <- t(as.data.frame(final_results))
rownames(final_results) <- c()
# 2 decimal places only
round(final_results, 2)
# Finally, close the function
# Filter tomorrow's races for Group races only
group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(smartform_daily_results,
grepl(paste(c("Group 1", "Group 2", "Group 3"), collapse="|"), race_title))
# Create a placeholder list which will be required later
row <- list()
# Setup the loop
# For each horse in the group_races_only dataframe
for (i in group_races_only$name) {
runner_details = group_races_only[group_races_only$name==i,]
# Extract trainer and jockey names
trainer = runner_details$trainer_name
jockey = runner_details$jockey_name
# Apply the Trainer/Jockey function for Group races only
trainer_jockey_combo <- tj(race_filter = "group",
trainer = trainer,
jockey = jockey)
# Add results row by row to the previously defined list
row[[i]] <- trainer_jockey_combo
# Create a final dataframe
stats_final <- as.data.frame(do.call("rbind", row))
# Create a new variable called racecard. Bind together the generic race details with the newly created stats
racecard <- cbind(group_races_only,stats_final)
Creating Functions with R – using trainer and jockey combinations
By Phill Clarke on Monday, June 18th, 2018In the previous article we looked at how to calculate some useful figures such as profit on turnover, impact values, actual vs expected, Archie and a confidence figure regarding how much luck was involved in the returned figures. The code demonstrated works well, but can be cumbersome to easily alter items such as trainer, jockey or price filters.
Fortunately the R language supports creation of user defined functions. A function is essentially a wrapper around a set of code routines, which are executed when the function is called at a later time. This makes it very easy to re-run the same code multiple times, using specific arguments to alter the results. Sounds difficult? It’s not really. Much of the R code we’re already familiar with, such as dplyr::filter
are functions themselves. If you ever find yourself writing the same R code snippet more than three times in a larger program or script, think about how to create a function instead.
The goal of the function described in this article is to return a set of results for a specific trainer and jockey combination, with some additional argument options added.
The code examples again assume data has already been returned from the Smartform database and is contained in a variable called smartform_results
. Also assumed is that part of the initial MySQL query was to limit results to those only since January, 1st, 2016. Full R code will be provided at the end of this article.
The first step is to define the function name and arguments.
# Name the function and add some arguments
tj <- function(race_filter = "", price_filter = 1000, trainer, jockey){
The function is now named tj
for Trainer and Jockey. The function has four defined arguments. A race filter, a price filter and arguments for trainer and jockey. If a value is not defined for a function argument, the user must include and define the argument when calling the function. This is the case for trainer
and jockey
above. However, default values for arguments may be specified. In the above code the race_filter
has an empty default value, for all races, and the price_filter
is defined as 1000, which is the maximum possible price on Betfair, thus also including all possible prices when applied as a less than or equal to fitler.
Now, we begin the remainder of our function, which is essentially the same code as previously, with some additional changes to account for the function arguments.
# Filter for flat races only
flat_races_only <- dplyr::filter(smartform_results,
race_type_id == 12 |
race_type_id == 15)
# Add an if/else statement for the race_filter argument
if (race_filter == "group"){
filtered_races <- dplyr::filter(flat_races_only,
group_race == 1 |
group_race == 2 |
group_race == 3 )
} else {
filtered_races = flat_races_only
The if else
statement above is another new concept. It states that if the race_filter
equals the word group
apply one set of code, otherwise (else
) run a different set of code. In the case of the current function, only one race_filter
is supported, that is filter by Group races only or return results from all races. Additional race filters, such as class or age perhaps, could also be added to the function through additional else
The next block of code should be largely familiar from the previous article.
# Filter by trainer name
trainer_filtered <- dplyr::filter(filtered_races,
grepl(trainer, trainer_name))
# Remove non-runners
trainer_name_filtered <- dplyr::filter(trainer_filtered, !is.na(finish_position))
# Filter by jockey name
trainer_jockey_filtered <- dplyr::filter(trainer_filtered,
grepl(jockey, jockey_name))
# Filter by price
trainer_jockey_price_filtered <- dplyr::filter(trainer_jockey_filtered,
starting_price_decimal <= price_filter)
The above lines now filter by the values provided in the arguments trainer
, jockey
and price_filter
. If values for trainer
and jockey
are not provided by the user, and because no defaults were supplied, the function will fail. Also, if an incorrect name, which does not match values in the dataset, is supplied the function will also fail. There is no error checking provided in this example code. The price_filter
was provided with a default value of 1000 and therefore if the user does not define it, the function will return all values equal to or less than 1000.
The next blocks of code are once again very similar to that used previously when calculating the statistics we’re interested in.
# Calculate Profit and Loss
trainer_jockey_cumulative <- cumsum(
ifelse(trainer_jockey_price_filtered$finish_position == 1,
# Calculate Strike Rate
winners <- nrow(dplyr::filter(trainer_jockey_price_filtered,
finish_position == 1))
runners <- nrow(trainer_jockey_price_filtered)
strike_rate <- (winners / runners) * 100
# Calculate Profit on Turnover or Yield
profit_on_turnover <- (tail(trainer_jockey_cumulative, n=1) / runners) * 100
# Calculate Impact Values
# First filter all runners by price, to return those just starting at the price_filter or less
all_runners <- nrow(dplyr::filter(filtered_races,
starting_price_decimal <= price_filter))
# Filter all winners by the price filter
all_winners <- nrow(dplyr::filter(filtered_races,
finish_position == 1 &
starting_price_decimal <= price_filter))
# Now calculate the Impact Value
iv <- (winners / all_winners) / (runners / all_runners)
# Calculate Actual vs Expected ratio
# # Convert all decimal odds to probabilities
total_sp <- sum(1/trainer_jockey_price_filtered$starting_price_decimal)
# Calculate A/E by dividing the number of winners, by the sum of all SP probabilities.
ae <- winners / total_sp
# Calculate Archie
archie <- (runners * (winners - total_sp)^2)/ (total_sp * (runners - total_sp))
# Calculate the Confidence figure
conf <- pchisq(archie, df = 1)*100
That covers all the calculations. Now we return the results in a nice dataframe.
# Create an empty variable
trainer_jockey <- NULL
# Add all calculated figures as named objects to the variable, which creates a list
trainer_jockey$runners <- runners
trainer_jockey$winners <- winners
trainer_jockey$sr <- strike_rate
trainer_jockey$pot <- profit_on_turnover
trainer_jockey$iv <- iv
trainer_jockey$ae <- ae
trainer_jockey$conf <- conf
# Convert and return as a dataframe
# Finally, close the function
The last line here is very important and should not be forgotten. The curly bracket was used to start the function at the beginning, and therefore the matching closing curly bracket must be used at the end.
We now have a trainer/jockey function defined. How do we use it? Simply call the function, with defined arguments. Using the previous filters of Aiden O’Brien trained runners, ridden by Ryan Moore, in Group races and starting at a price of 4.0 or less, we do the following:
# Run the function with arguments and store in a results object
results <- tj(race_filter = "group",
price_filter = 4.0,
trainer = "A P O'Brien",
jockey = "R L Moore")
# Show results
runners winners sr pot iv ae conf
1 137 66 48.17518 13.62774 1.279968 1.069609 53.9223
This matches the results previously obtained when running through the code manually. Tomorrow in the Group 1 Queen Anne Stakes at Royal Ascot, Rhododendron is trained by Aiden O’Brien, ridden by Ryan Moore and is currently 3/1, thus matching the filters used in this function.
Now the function is defined, it is easy to start looking at alternative filter sets, without having to manually adjust any code. Some examples are outlined below:
# No price filter, which works because a default of 1000 was defined in the function
results_no_price <- tj(race_filter = "group",
trainer = "A P O'Brien",
jockey = "R L Moore")
runners winners sr pot iv ae conf
1 246 78 31.70732 -3.04878 2.825292 1.004775 4.056167
# All races, not just Group, with a price filter of 4.0
results_all_races <- tj(price_filter = 4.0,
trainer = "A P O'Brien",
jockey = "R L Moore")
runners winners sr pot iv ae conf
1 227 100 44.05286 2.718062 1.343485 0.9936154 6.841419
# All races and no price filter for this trainer and jockey combination
results_all_races_no_price <- tj(trainer = "A P O'Brien",
jockey = "R L Moore")
runners winners sr pot iv ae conf
1 387 119 30.74935 -8.183463 2.919438 0.9519335 48.63522
Also keep in mind these results are only since January 1st, 2016 as this filter was previously defined in the original SQL query. Hopefully, it should be reasonably clear how to add a date
argument to extend this function.
Finally, if we wanted to investigate alternative trainer and jockey combinations, this is also quite easy now the function is already defined.
# David Simcock and Oisin Murphy together in Group races
simcock_murphy <- tj(race_filter = "group",
trainer = "D M Simcock",
jockey = "Oisin Murphy")
runners winners sr pot iv ae conf
1 21 2 9.52381 -66.66667 0.8486226 0.9350056 7.989577
David Simcock and Oisin Murphy team up with Lightning Spear, also in the Queen Anne at Ascot.
Good luck at the big meeting tomorrow!
Questions and queries about this article should be posted as a comment below or on the Betwise Q&A board.
The full R code used in this article is found below.
# Load the RMySQL library package
# Connect to the Smartform database. Substitute the placeholder credentials for your own.
# The IP address can be substituted for a remote location if appropriate.
con <- dbConnect(MySQL(),
sql1 <- paste("SELECT historic_races.course,
FROM smartform.historic_runners
JOIN smartform.historic_races USING (race_id)
WHERE historic_races.meeting_date >= '2016-01-01'", sep="")
smartform_results <- dbGetQuery(con, sql1)
# Name the function and add some arguments
tj <- function(race_filter = "", price_filter = 1000, trainer, jockey){
# Filter for flat races only
flat_races_only <- dplyr::filter(smartform_results,
race_type_id == 12 |
race_type_id == 15)
# Add an if else statement for the race_filter argument
if (race_filter == "group"){
filtered_races <- dplyr::filter(flat_races_only,
group_race == 1 |
group_race == 2 |
group_race == 3 )
} else {
filtered_races = flat_races_only
# Filter by trainer name
trainer_filtered <- dplyr::filter(filtered_races,
grepl(trainer, trainer_name))
# Remove non-runners
trainer_name_filtered <- dplyr::filter(trainer_filtered, !is.na(finish_position))
# Filter by jockey name
trainer_jockey_filtered <- dplyr::filter(trainer_filtered,
grepl(jockey, jockey_name))
# Filter by price
trainer_jockey_price_filtered <- dplyr::filter(trainer_jockey_filtered,
starting_price_decimal <= price_filter)
# Calculate Profit and Loss
trainer_jockey_cumulative <- cumsum(
ifelse(trainer_jockey_price_filtered$finish_position == 1,
# Calculate Strike Rate
winners <- nrow(dplyr::filter(trainer_jockey_price_filtered,
finish_position == 1))
runners <- nrow(trainer_jockey_price_filtered)
strike_rate <- (winners / runners) * 100
# Calculate Profit on Turnover or Yield
profit_on_turnover <- (tail(trainer_jockey_cumulative, n=1) / runners) * 100
# Calculate Impact Values
# First filter all runners by price, to return those just starting at the price_filter or less
all_runners <- nrow(dplyr::filter(filtered_races,
starting_price_decimal <= price_filter))
# Filter all winners by the price filter
all_winners <- nrow(dplyr::filter(filtered_races,
finish_position == 1 &
starting_price_decimal <= price_filter))
# Now calculate the Impact Value
iv <- (winners / all_winners) / (runners / all_runners)
# Calculate Actual vs Expected ratio
# # Convert all decimal odds to probabilities
total_sp <- sum(1/trainer_jockey_price_filtered$starting_price_decimal)
# Calculate A/E by dividing the number of winners, by the sum of all SP probabilities.
ae <- winners / total_sp
# Calculate Archie
archie <- (runners * (winners - total_sp)^2)/ (total_sp * (runners - total_sp))
# Calculate the Confidence figure
conf <- pchisq(archie, df = 1)*100
# Create an empty variable
trainer_jockey <- NULL
# Add all calculated figures as named objects to the variable, which creates a list
trainer_jockey$runners <- runners
trainer_jockey$winners <- winners
trainer_jockey$sr <- strike_rate
trainer_jockey$pot <- profit_on_turnover
trainer_jockey$iv <- iv
trainer_jockey$ae <- ae
trainer_jockey$conf <- conf
# Convert and return as a dataframe
# Finally, close the function
Further Calculations using R to analyse the performance of jockeys and trainers
By Phill Clarke on Friday, June 1st, 2018Last week we explored some visual ways in which to analyse performance. This included representations such as line charts, scatterplots and regression fits. This week we examine some mathematical and statistical approaches to expand on the simple calculations of strike rate and profit & loss.
A positive profit & loss is obviously critical in making money from a series of bets. A negative profit & loss largely renders everything else irrelevant. However, a simple positive profit & loss calculation still does not expose the full story. Imagine a positive profit of 20 points, from a series of 1000 bets. Is that a good or bad performance? A calculation of Profit on Turnover (POT) or Yield can assist.
Again, we’ll use the combination of Aiden O’Brien and Ryan Moore, in Group Races only, since the beginning of 2016, with a filter of less than or equal to 4.00 starting price, as the example dataset. The code examples again assume data has already been returned from the Smartform database and is contained in a variable called smartform_results
. Also assumed is that part of the initial MySQL query was to limit results to those only since January, 1st, 2016. Full R code will be provided at the end of this article.
# Filter for flat races only
flat_races_only <- dplyr::filter(smartform_results,
race_type_id == 12 |
race_type_id == 15)
# Filter for Group races only
group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(flat_races_only,
group_race == 1 |
group_race == 2 |
group_race == 3 )
# Filter for Aiden O'Brien runners only
obrien_group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(group_races_only,
grepl("A P O'Brien", trainer_name))
# Remove non-runners
obrien_group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(obrien_group_races_only, !is.na(finish_position))
# Filter for Ryan Moore rides only
obrien_moore_group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(obrien_group_races_only,
grepl("R L Moore", jockey_name))
# Filter for Starting Prices of 4.00 or less
obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter <- dplyr::filter(obrien_moore_group_races_only,
starting_price_decimal <= 4.0)
# # Calculate Profit and Loss
obrien_moore_cumulative <- cumsum(
ifelse(obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter$finish_position == 1, (obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter$starting_price_decimal-1),-1)
obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter$cumulative <- obrien_moore_cumulative
# Calculate Strike Rate
obrien_moore_winners <- nrow(dplyr::filter(obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter,
finish_position == 1))
obrien_moore_runners <- nrow(obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter)
strike_rate <- (obrien_moore_winners / obrien_moore_runners) * 100
Detailed explanations of the above calculations have been provided in previous articles. The P&L for the combination examined now stands at 19.67 points, with a Strike Rate of 48.52%.
How good is this in the context of the total amount wagered? Next, calculate Profit on Turnover (POT) or Yield. This is simply the total cumulative profit, divided by the total number of runners and multiplied by 100 to return a percentage.
# Calculate POT
profit_on_turnover <- (tail(obrien_moore_cumulative, n=1) / obrien_moore_runners) * 100
This returns a POT of 14.46%, which is a pretty reasonable figure. A return of almost 15% on an investment would certainly keep many people very happy.
Moving on, there are some other calculations which can assist with providing additional clarity to the overall picture.
The first of these is Impact Value (IV). This measure helps to assertain whether a specific combination of factors returns winners at a higher rate than the rate of winners which did not meet the specific criteria being examined. In our case, we are looking at the performance of Aiden O’Brien trained and Ryan Moore ridden Group runners, with a price filter, versus those Group runners, with the same price filter, who were not trained by Aiden O’Brien and ridden by Ryan Moore. It is worth keeping in mind that IVs are only an indication of the rate of winners, and does not take price into account.
In order to calculate Impact Values, the ratio of the filtered winners to all runners is divided by the ratio of filtered runners to all runners. In our specific case, this is the ratio of O’Brien and Moore winners to all Group winners, starting at a price equal to or less than 4.00, divided by the ratio of O’Brien and Moore runners to all Group Runners, with the same price filter applied.
An Impact Value of greater than 1.0 indicates that the filtered angle in question is outperforming runners in the entire dataset who did meet our filtering criteria.
# Calculate Impact Values
# First filter all Group runners by price, to return those just starting at 4.00 or less
all_group_runners <- nrow(dplyr::filter(group_races_only,
starting_price_decimal <= 4.0))
# Filter all Group winners by the 4.00 price limit
all_group_winners <- nrow(dplyr::filter(group_races_only,
finish_position == 1 &
starting_price_decimal <= 4.0))
# Now calculate the Impact Value
iv <- (obrien_moore_winners / all_group_winners) / (obrien_moore_runners / all_group_runners)
An IV of 1.29 is returned. This is a very healthy result and indicates that the O’Brien and Moore combination generally returns a higher ratio of winners than that of all Group runners, also filtered by the 4.00 or less price.
Finding winners is one thing, making a profit may be something entirely different. Therefore, there is a futher calculation to examine. Now we’ll look at the ratio of Actual vs Expected (A/E) winners, based on probabilties calculated from starting price. This figure will help to inform whether the filtered combination is outperforming market expectations, based on Starting Price probabilities.
A/E is calculated by dividing the number of winners from the filtered dataset, by the sum of all win probabilities. Decimal starting prices first need to be converted to probabilities. Individual starting prices may be converted to probabilities by expressing as a decimal, a fraction with 1 as the numerator and the decimal starting price as the denominator. i.e. 1/Decimal SP or 1/4.0 = 0.25.
# Calculated Actual vs Expected ratio
# Convert all decimal odds to probabilities
total_sp <- sum(1/obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter$starting_price_decimal)
# Calculate A/E by dividing the number of all O'Brien and Moore winners, but the sum of all SP probabilities.
obrien_moore_ae <- obrien_moore_winners / total_sp
An A/E figure of 1.07 is returned. Once again, any figure above 1.00 should be viewed positively. If the return is greater than 1.00 it essentially means the filtered dataset is outperforming the market’s expectations. Or, to put it another way, a figure above 1.00 means that the filtered selections win more often than their probabilities (odds) indicate they should. Using a combination like Aiden O’Brien and Ryan Moore it may be somewhat surprising that they perform in excess of market expectations, especially given the regression line seen in last week’s scatterchart, but the A/E figure shows this to be true.
Finally, the last computation included in today’s article is known as Archie. If you are statistically minded, Archie is a variation on the Chi Squared goodness of fit calculation. However, in layman’s terms, Archie provides a figure showing how much the results obtained from a set of data can be attributed to luck. The higher the Archie figure, the less likely the results are down to pure luck. The larger the Archie figure, the better. As a rough guide, an Archie figure of 1.00 still means there is a 32% likelihood the results obtained were due to chance.
I also like to convert the Archie result to a percentage Confidence figure. In this case also, the higher the Confidence figure, the less likely the results are only down to luck.
# Calculate Archie
archie <- (obrien_moore_runners * (obrien_moore_winners - total_sp)^2)/ (total_sp * (obrien_moore_runners - total_sp))
# Calculate the Confidence figure
conf <- pchisq(archie, df = 1)*100
In the case of Group race runners, starting at a price of 4.00 or less, trained by Aiden O’Brien and ridden by Ryan Moore, the Confidence figure is almost 60%. This is reasonable, but not particularly strong.
It is worth keeping in mind that Archie and Confidence figures can be seen to change rapidly if the sample data size is only small. Our filtered dataset in this case contains only 136 runners, which is not particularly large.
Further details concerning all these calculations – POT/Yield, IV, A/E and Archie/Confidence – can always be found through Internet searches using popular search engines.
Questions and queries about this article should be posted as a comment below or on the Betwise Q&A board.
The full R code used in this article is found below.
# Load the RMySQL library package
# Connect to the Smartform database. Substitute the placeholder credentials for your own.
# The IP address can be substituted for a remote location if appropriate.
con <- dbConnect(MySQL(),
sql1 <- paste("SELECT historic_races.course,
FROM smartform.historic_runners
JOIN smartform.historic_races USING (race_id)
WHERE historic_races.meeting_date >= '2016-01-01'", sep="")
smartform_results <- dbGetQuery(con, sql1)
# Filter for flat races only
flat_races_only <- dplyr::filter(smartform_results,
race_type_id == 12 |
race_type_id == 15)
# Filter for Group races only
group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(flat_races_only,
group_race == 1 |
group_race == 2 |
group_race == 3 )
# Filter for Aiden O'Brien runners only
obrien_group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(group_races_only,
grepl("A P O'Brien", trainer_name))
# Remove non-runners
obrien_group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(obrien_group_races_only, !is.na(finish_position))
# Filter for Ryan Moore rides only
obrien_moore_group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(obrien_group_races_only,
grepl("R L Moore", jockey_name))
# Filter for Starting Prices of 4.00 or less
obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter <- dplyr::filter(obrien_moore_group_races_only,
starting_price_decimal <= 4.0)
# # Calculate Profit and Loss
obrien_moore_cumulative <- cumsum(
ifelse(obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter$finish_position == 1, (obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter$starting_price_decimal-1),-1)
obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter$cumulative <- obrien_moore_cumulative
# Calculate Strike Rate
obrien_moore_winners <- nrow(dplyr::filter(obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter,
finish_position == 1))
obrien_moore_runners <- nrow(obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter)
strike_rate <- (obrien_moore_winners / obrien_moore_runners) * 100
# Calculate POT
profit_on_turnover <- (tail(obrien_moore_cumulative, n=1) / obrien_moore_runners) * 100
# Calculate Impact Values
# First filter all Group runners by price, to return those just starting at 4.00 or less
all_group_runners <- nrow(dplyr::filter(group_races_only,
starting_price_decimal <= 4.0))
# Filter all Group winners by the 4.00 price limit
all_group_winners <- nrow(dplyr::filter(group_races_only,
finish_position == 1 &
starting_price_decimal <= 4.0))
# Now calculate the Impact Value
iv <- (obrien_moore_winners / all_group_winners) / (obrien_moore_runners / all_group_runners)
# Calculated Actual vs Expected ratio
# Convert all decimal odds to probabilities
total_sp <- sum(1/obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter$starting_price_decimal)
# Calculate A/E by dividing all O'Brien and Moore winners, but the sum of all SP probabilities.
obrien_moore_ae <- obrien_moore_winners / total_sp
# Calculate Archie
archie <- (obrien_moore_runners * (obrien_moore_winners - total_sp)^2)/ (total_sp * (obrien_moore_runners - total_sp))
# Calculate the Confidence figure
conf <- pchisq(archie, df = 1)*100
O’Brien and Moore in Group Races – Scatterplots with R
By Phill Clarke on Saturday, May 26th, 2018Last week we looked at the performance of Aiden O’Brien trained horses running in Group races. As an exercise for the reader it was suggested to look at the combination of both Aiden O’Brien and Ryan Moore in Group races. The result was that this combination showed an overall profit since 2007.
The R code was provided at the end of the article and this will be used as the starting point today. Rather than show all code during the article, it is assumed the reader can now connect to the Smartform MySQL database and retrieve basic data. Nonetheless, the full R code for today’s investigations will be provided at the end of the article.
Starting with O’Brien and Moore in all Group races since 2007.
# Variable smartform_results contains data retrieved from the Smartform MySQL database
# Filter SQL results for flat races only
flat_races_only <- dplyr::filter(smartform_results,
race_type_id == 12 |
race_type_id == 15)
# Filter for Group races only
group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(flat_races_only,
group_race == 1 |
group_race == 2 |
group_race == 3 )
# Filter for Aiden O'Brien runners only
obrien_group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(group_races_only,
grepl("A P O'Brien", trainer_name))
# Remove non-runners
obrien_group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(obrien_group_races_only, !is.na(finish_position))
# Filter for Ryan Moore rides only
obrien_moore_group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(obrien_group_races_only,
grepl("R L Moore", jockey_name))
# Calculate Profit and Loss
obrien_moore_cumulative <- cumsum(
ifelse(obrien_moore_group_races_only$finish_position == 1, (obrien_moore_group_races_only$starting_price_decimal-1),-1)
obrien_moore_group_races_only$cumulative <- obrien_moore_cumulative
# Convert meeting_date columns to Date type
obrien_moore_group_races_only$meeting_date <- as.Date(obrien_moore_group_races_only$meeting_date)
# Plot the results
ggplot(data=obrien_moore_group_races_only, aes(x=meeting_date, y=cumulative, group=1)) +
geom_line(colour="blue", lwd=0.7) +
scale_x_date(labels = date_format("%Y-%m-%d"), date_breaks="6 months") +
theme_tufte(base_family="serif", base_size = 14) +
geom_rangeframe() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
panel.grid.major.x = element_line(color = "grey80"),
panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = "grey80"))
The chart and profit and loss calculations indicate a small profit of 10.31 for a one unit stake across all 377 runners in the dataset. Decent enough, however, we should always ask if this is the full story.
One way of investigating further is to create a scatter plot of the Starting Price for all O’Brien and Moore winners. The ggplot
library is again used for this. There are many very powerful features of this charting tool and a wide number of tutorials available online.
# Filter for winners only
obrien_moore_group_races_winners_only <- dplyr::filter(obrien_moore_group_races_only,
finish_position == 1)
# Scatter plot of winning prices for all O'Brien and Moore winners
ggplot(obrien_moore_group_races_winners_only , aes(x=meeting_date, y=starting_price_decimal)) +
geom_point(colour="blue") +
scale_x_date(labels = date_format("%Y-%m-%d"), date_breaks="6 months") +
theme_tufte(base_family="serif", base_size = 14) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
panel.grid.major.x = element_line(color = "grey80"),
panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = "grey80")) +
This very interesting chart includes a loess
regression line with confidence intervals. The line indicates that the price of O’Brien and Moore winners has been reducing over time, although it also appears that the confidence interval narrows (a good thing!) as the number of rides increases. The slight increase in confidence interval in 2018 is due to the fact the season is not yet half completed and the overall number of runners for this combination is low so far this year.
The chart also clearly shows that the overall Profit and Loss is probably skewed by the big priced winners in 2009 and 2012. If these two rides were removed, the combination would show an overall large loss.
We could also plot every individual runner for this combination, with a separate regression line for both winners and all other runners. In the chart below, winners are the blue points and all other runners are orange.
# Scatter plot of winning prices for all O'Brien and Moore runners
ggplot(obrien_moore_group_races_only , aes(x=meeting_date, y=starting_price_decimal, color=finish_position == 1)) +
geom_point() +
scale_x_date(labels = date_format("%Y-%m-%d"),
date_breaks="12 months") +
scale_y_continuous(breaks= seq(0,35,by=2)) +
base_size = 14) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
panel.grid.major.x = element_line(color = "grey80"),
panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = "grey80"),
legend.position="top") +
scale_color_manual(values=c("#FF9933","#000CCC")) +
geom_smooth(method=lm, se=FALSE, fullrange=TRUE)
This chart shows that there are tight clusters of winners and runners in 2016 and 2017. We can also see that the starting price of winners has been contracting faster than the overall price of all starters for this combination. As bettors, we should always keep in mind the value proposition of a bet.
Next, we could filter the data and examine just runners from the 2016 season onwards, with a starting price of less than 4.00.
# Filter the data for starters at an SP of less than 4.0 and since 2016 only
obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter <- dplyr::filter(obrien_moore_group_races_only,
starting_price_decimal <= 4.0 &
meeting_date >= "2016-01-01")
# Calcualte profit and loss
obrien_moore_cumulative <- cumsum(
ifelse(obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter$finish_position == 1, (obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter$starting_price_decimal-1),-1)
obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter$cumulative <- obrien_moore_cumulative
# Plot the results as a line chart
ggplot(data=obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter, aes(x=meeting_date, y=cumulative, group=1)) +
geom_line(colour="blue", lwd=0.7) +
scale_x_date(labels = date_format("%Y-%m-%d"), date_breaks="6 months") +
theme_tufte(base_family="serif", base_size = 14) +
geom_rangeframe() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
panel.grid.major.x = element_line(color = "grey80"),
panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = "grey80"))
# Calculate strike rate
winners_only <- nrow(dplyr::filter(obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter,
finish_position == 1))
runners <- nrow(obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter)
strike_rate <- (winners_only / runners) * 100
We now have a very healthy 22.67 profit from 133 runners over the last two seasons, with a strike rate of 49.62%. This seems like a quite nice angle into Group races where Aiden O’Brien has a horse ridden by Ryan Moore.
The chart shows that 2016 was a bit slow to begin with, but than picked up nicely from around June onwards. However, 2017 was a very strong year. This year, 2018, seems to be off to a decent start.
There are many other angles which could be investigated. For example, we could filter for:
- Group 1 races only
- Odds on runners only
- Odds between 2.0 and 4.0
- Odds less than 10.0 only
- A distance filter
- A UK vs Ireland scatter chart and filter
There are many, many different ways of investigating further.
Today’s races includes the Irish 2000 Guineas at the Curragh, as well as some other Group races on the same card. Are there any O’Brien and Moore qualifiers?
There are three qualifying horses – US Navy Flag in the Irish 2000 Guineas, Merchant Navy in the Group 2 Greenland Stakes and Hydrangea in the Group 2 Lanwades Stud Stakes, all at prices less than 3/1.
Are all three worth a bet? There’s always something else to consider. Why did Ryan Moore’s number of rides and winners increase markedly from 2016 onwards? In March 2016 Joseph O’Brien announced his retirement from race riding. Ryan Moore most likely then picked up a number of high quality rides which would have otherwise gone to Joseph.
In the 2000 Guineas at Newmarket a few weeks ago, another of Aiden O’Brien’s sons, Donnacha, had a winning ride on Saxon Warrior. This may have only been because Moore was otherwise engaged for Ballydoyle at the Kentucky Derby. What are the current internal dynamics at the stable now? Has Donnacha’s success elevated him in the pecking order?
Donnacha O’Brien rides Gustav Klimt in today’s 2000 Irish Guineas. How important is this race for the stable? Is it an opportunity for Donnacha to ride another Group 1 winner? Of the three qualifying horses today, is it worth considering not betting on US Navy Flag? Racing is never an easy or straightforward game.
Questions and queries about this article should be posted as a comment below or on the Betwise Q&A board.
The full R code used in this article is found below.
# Load the RMySQL library package
# Connect to the Smartform database. Substitute the placeholder credentials for your own.
# The IP address can be substituted for a remote location if appropriate.
con <- dbConnect(MySQL(),
sql1 <- paste("SELECT historic_races.course,
FROM smartform.historic_runners
JOIN smartform.historic_races USING (race_id)
WHERE historic_races.meeting_date >= '2006-01-01'", sep="")
smartform_results <- dbGetQuery(con, sql1)
# Filter SQL results for flat races only
flat_races_only <- dplyr::filter(smartform_results,
race_type_id == 12 |
race_type_id == 15)
# Filter for Group races only
group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(flat_races_only,
group_race == 1 |
group_race == 2 |
group_race == 3 )
# Filter for Aiden O'Brien runners only
obrien_group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(group_races_only,
grepl("A P O'Brien", trainer_name))
# Remove non-runners
obrien_group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(obrien_group_races_only, !is.na(finish_position))
# Filter for Ryan Moore rides only
obrien_moore_group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(obrien_group_races_only,
grepl("R L Moore", jockey_name))
# Calculate Profit and Loss
obrien_moore_cumulative <- cumsum(
ifelse(obrien_moore_group_races_only$finish_position == 1, (obrien_moore_group_races_only$starting_price_decimal-1),-1)
obrien_moore_group_races_only$cumulative <- obrien_moore_cumulative
# Convert meeting_date columns to Date type
obrien_moore_group_races_only$meeting_date <- as.Date(obrien_moore_group_races_only$meeting_date)
# Plot the results
ggplot(data=obrien_moore_group_races_only, aes(x=meeting_date, y=cumulative, group=1)) +
geom_line(colour="blue", lwd=0.7) +
scale_x_date(labels = date_format("%Y-%m-%d"), date_breaks="6 months") +
theme_tufte(base_family="serif", base_size = 14) +
geom_rangeframe() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
panel.grid.major.x = element_line(color = "grey80"),
panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = "grey80"))
# Filter for winners only
obrien_moore_group_races_winners_only <- dplyr::filter(obrien_moore_group_races_only,
finish_position == 1)
# Scatter plot of winning prices for all O'Brien and Moore winners
ggplot(obrien_moore_group_races_winners_only , aes(x=meeting_date, y=starting_price_decimal)) +
geom_point(colour="blue") +
scale_x_date(labels = date_format("%Y-%m-%d"), date_breaks="6 months") +
theme_tufte(base_family="serif", base_size = 14) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
panel.grid.major.x = element_line(color = "grey80"),
panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = "grey80")) +
# Scatter plot of winning prices for all O'Brien and Moore runners
ggplot(obrien_moore_group_races_only , aes(x=meeting_date, y=starting_price_decimal, color=finish_position == 1)) +
geom_point() +
scale_x_date(labels = date_format("%Y-%m-%d"),
date_breaks="12 months") +
scale_y_continuous(breaks= seq(0,35,by=2)) +
base_size = 14) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
panel.grid.major.x = element_line(color = "grey80"),
panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = "grey80"),
legend.position="top") +
scale_color_manual(values=c("#FF9933","#000CCC")) +
geom_smooth(method=lm, se=FALSE, fullrange=TRUE)
# Filter the data for starters at an SP of less than 4.0 and since 2016 only
obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter <- dplyr::filter(obrien_moore_group_races_only,
starting_price_decimal <= 4.0 &
meeting_date >= "2016-01-01")
# Calcualte profit and loss
obrien_moore_cumulative <- cumsum(
ifelse(obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter$finish_position == 1, (obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter$starting_price_decimal-1),-1)
obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter$cumulative <- obrien_moore_cumulative
# Plot the results as a line chart
ggplot(data=obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter, aes(x=meeting_date, y=cumulative, group=1)) +
geom_line(colour="blue", lwd=0.7) +
scale_x_date(labels = date_format("%Y-%m-%d"), date_breaks="6 months") +
theme_tufte(base_family="serif", base_size = 14) +
geom_rangeframe() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
panel.grid.major.x = element_line(color = "grey80"),
panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = "grey80"))
# Calculate strike rate
winners_only <- nrow(dplyr::filter(obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter,
finish_position == 1))
runners <- nrow(obrien_moore_group_races_only_price_filter)
strike_rate <- (winners_only / runners) * 100
Calculating Profit and Loss from Historic Data using R
By Phill Clarke on Saturday, May 19th, 2018Previously we looked at how to calculate the strike rate for jockeys, specifically with relation to those riding in the 1000 Guineas. The result of that race showed how strikes rates are really only part of the overall picture. Sean Levey had the lowest historic strike rate for Group races, of all those peforming in the 1000 Guineas, yet rode a convincing winner. If we had of looked at trainer strike rates, it may have been a different story.
This article will now look at trainer strike rates, but also specifically calculate the profit and loss (P&L) to show what would happen if one had backed every runner for a specific trainer at starting price (SP) in all Group races.
We start very similar to previously, returning historic data from the Smartform database and calculating trainer strike rates.
# Load the RMySQL and dplyr library packages
# Execute an SQL command to return some historic data
# Connect to the Smartform database. Substitute the placeholder credentials for your own.
# The IP address can be substituted for a remote location if appropriate.
con <- dbConnect(MySQL(),
# This SQL query selects the required columns from the historic_races and historic_runners tables, joining by unique race_id and filtering for results only since January 1st, 2006. The SQL query is saved in a variable called sql1.
sql1 <- paste("SELECT historic_races.course,
FROM smartform.historic_runners
JOIN smartform.historic_races USING (race_id)
WHERE historic_races.meeting_date >= '2006-01-01'", sep="")
# Now execute the SQL query, using the previously established connection. Results are stored in a variable called smartform_results.
smartform_results <- dbGetQuery(con, sql1)
# Close the database connection, which is good practice
# Race type IDs 12 and 15 correspond to Flat and All Weather races
flat_races_only <- dplyr::filter(smartform_results,
race_type_id == 12 |
race_type_id == 15)
# Filter using the group_race field for Group 1, 2 and 3 races only
group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(flat_races_only,
group_race == 1 |
group_race == 2 |
group_race == 3 )
# For each trainer name, count the number of runs
trainer_group_runs <- group_races_only %>% count(trainer_name)
# Rename the second column in trainer_group_rides to something more logical
# Now filter for only winning runs
group_winners_only <- dplyr::filter(group_races_only,
finish_position == 1)
# For each trainer, count the number of winning runs
trainer_group_wins <- group_winners_only %>% count(trainer_name)
# Rename the second column in trainer_group_wins to something more logical
# Join the two dataframes, trainer_group_runs and trainer_group_wins together, using trainer_name as a key
trainer_group_data <- dplyr::full_join(trainer_group_runs, trainer_group_wins, by = "trainer_name")
# Rename all the NA fields in the new dataframe to zero
# If a trainer has not had a group winner, the group_wins field will be NA
# If this is not changed to zero, later calculations will fail
trainer_group_data[is.na(trainer_group_data)] <- 0
# Now calculate the Group race strike rate for all trainers
trainer_group_data$strike_rate <- (trainer_group_data$group_wins / trainer_group_data$group_runs) * 100
The variable trainer_group_data
now contains the strike rate for every trainer who has had a runner in a flat or all weather Group race since January 1st, 2006.
The Group 1 Lockinge Stakes is run today at Newbury. Therefore, let’s look at this field only for today’s examples.
# Execute an SQL command to return some daily data
# Connect to the Smartform database. Substitute the placeholder credentials for your own.
# The IP address can be substituted for a remote location if appropriate.
con <- dbConnect(MySQL(),
# This SQL query selects the required columns from the daily_races and daily_runners tables, joining by unique race_id and filtering for results only with today's date. The SQL query is saved in a variable called sql2.
sql2 <- paste("SELECT daily_races.course,
FROM smartform.daily_races
JOIN smartform.daily_runners USING (race_id)
WHERE daily_races.meeting_date >='2018-05-18'", sep="")
# Now execute the SQL query, using the previously established connection. Results are stored in a variable called smartform_daily_results.
smartform_daily_results <- dbGetQuery(con, sql2)
# Close the database connection, which is good practice
The variable smartform_daily_results
contains information about all races being run today.
Now we filter for just today’s Lockinge Stakes.
# Filter for the Lockinge Stakes only
lockinge_only <- dplyr::filter(smartform_daily_results,
grepl("Lockinge", race_title))
The variable lockinge_only
now contains just the basic details for today’s Group 1 Lockinge Stakes.
Lastly, dplyr
is again used to perform a different type of join, which combines the lockinge_only
and trainer_group_data
dataframes, using trainer_name
as the key.
# Using dplyr, join the lockinge_only and trainer_group_data dataframes
lockinge_only_with_sr <- dplyr::inner_join(lockinge_only, trainer_group_data, by = "trainer_name")
If we now view the dataframe lockinge_only_with_sr
we can see that the trainer with the best strike rate in Group races, with runners also in today’s Lockinge Stakes, is Aiden O’Brien.
course race_title meeting_date name jockey_name trainer_name group_rides group_wins strike_rate
1 Newbury Al Shaqab Lockinge Stakes (Group 1) (Str) 2018-05-19 Lightning Spear Oisin Murphy D M Simcock 256 24 9.375000
2 Newbury Al Shaqab Lockinge Stakes (Group 1) (Str) 2018-05-19 Suedois D Tudhope D O'Meara 190 16 8.421053
3 Newbury Al Shaqab Lockinge Stakes (Group 1) (Str) 2018-05-19 Limato Harry Bentley H Candy 103 15 14.563107
4 Newbury Al Shaqab Lockinge Stakes (Group 1) (Str) 2018-05-19 Librisa Breeze R Winston D K Ivory 44 2 4.545455
5 Newbury Al Shaqab Lockinge Stakes (Group 1) (Str) 2018-05-19 Zonderland A Kirby C G Cox 265 30 11.320755
6 Newbury Al Shaqab Lockinge Stakes (Group 1) (Str) 2018-05-19 Deauville W M Lordan A P O'Brien 2347 385 16.403920
7 Newbury Al Shaqab Lockinge Stakes (Group 1) (Str) 2018-05-19 Accidental Agent Charles Bishop Eve Johnson Houghton 70 1 1.428571
8 Newbury Al Shaqab Lockinge Stakes (Group 1) (Str) 2018-05-19 Lancaster Bomber J A Heffernan A P O'Brien 2347 385 16.403920
9 Newbury Al Shaqab Lockinge Stakes (Group 1) (Str) 2018-05-19 Beat The Bank Jim Crowley A M Balding 367 25 6.811989
10 Newbury Al Shaqab Lockinge Stakes (Group 1) (Str) 2018-05-19 War Decree P B Beggy A P O'Brien 2347 385 16.403920
11 Newbury Al Shaqab Lockinge Stakes (Group 1) (Str) 2018-05-19 Rhododendron R L Moore A P O'Brien 2347 385 16.403920
12 Newbury Al Shaqab Lockinge Stakes (Group 1) (Str) 2018-05-19 Alexios Komnenos C D Hayes J A Stack 19 3 15.789474
13 Newbury Al Shaqab Lockinge Stakes (Group 1) (Str) 2018-05-19 Lahore S De Sousa C G Cox 265 30 11.320755
14 Newbury Al Shaqab Lockinge Stakes (Group 1) (Str) 2018-05-19 Addeybb James Doyle W J Haggas 459 48 10.457516
No real suprises there perhaps. However, what would now happen if we’d placed a one Pound bet on every Aiden O’Brien runner in Group races over the last twelve years. Would we have made a profit?
To begin, we filter all historic Group races, from the data obtained earlier, for just Aiden O’Brien’s horses.
# Filter historic data just for A P O'Brien horses
obrien_group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(group_races_only,
grepl("A P O'Brien", trainer_name))
# Non Runners appears as NA, which need to be removed for a true picture and so calulations do not fail
obrien_group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(obrien_group_races_only, !is.na(finish_position))
The dataframe obrien_group_races_only
now contains the data we need.
The next step is to cumulatively sum all the start prices for winning horses and deduct our one Pound stake where appropriate. The cumsum
function is used to achieve this. The ifelse
statement below basically says, for all lines in the dataframe where the finishing position is one, use the decimal starting price but also subtract our initial one Pound stake, otherwise (if the finish position isn’t one) simply subtract our one Pound stake from the total.
# Calculate the cumulative total for all O'Brien runners
obrien_cumulative <- cumsum(
ifelse(obrien_group_races_only$finish_position == 1, (obrien_group_races_only$starting_price_decimal-1),-1)
# Add a new column back into obrien_group_races_only, with the cumulative totals
obrien_group_races_only$cumulative <- obrien_cumulative
When viewing the dataframe obrien_group_races_only
you will now see a new column included called cumulative
. Looking at the last entry for this column in the dataframe, the results is -275.76. Therefore, a single Pound bet on all 2178 Aiden O’Brien Group race runners since 2006 would have resulted in a loss of £275.76. Not really the route to profitable punting.
We can also take this a step further and plot the results for something more visual. The code below uses the gglot2
library again, along with some helper libraries in order to make a prettier chart.
# Load relevant libraries
# Convert the meeting_date column from character format to Date format
obrien_group_races_only$meeting_date <- as.Date(obrien_group_races_only$meeting_date)
# Plot the chart
ggplot(data=obrien_group_races_only, aes(x=meeting_date, y=cumulative, group=1)) +
geom_line(colour="blue", lwd=0.7) +
scale_x_date(labels = date_format("%Y-%m-%d"), date_breaks="6 months") +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(-300, 10, by = 50)) +
theme_tufte(base_family="serif", base_size = 14) +
geom_rangeframe() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
panel.grid.major.x = element_line(color = "grey80"),
panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = "grey80"))
The years 2009 through to the end of 2011 look to be particularly poor years for Aiden O’Brien in Group races, but 2014 onwards has been much more stable.
Today we have shown that just because the trainer may have the best historic strike rate in Group races, backing all of their runners blindly does not necessarily result in a profit. The market obviously knows the A P O’Brien has a very good record in these types of races and his horses are priced accordingly.
An exercise for the reader could be to calculate the P&L for Aiden O’Brien runners when ridden by Ryan Moore. To do this, start by filtering the historic obrien_group_races_only
data by R L Moore
. Hint: The answer is they are an profitable combination over 375 runs since 2006.
Questions and queries about this article should be posted as a comment below or to the Betwise Q&A board.
The full R code used in this article is found below.
# Load the RMySQL and dplyr library packages
# Execute an SQL command to return some historic data
# Connect to the Smartform database. Substitute the placeholder credentials for your own.
# The IP address can be substituted for a remote location if appropriate.
con <- dbConnect(MySQL(),
# This SQL query selects the required columns from the historic_races and historic_runners tables, joining by unique race_id and filtering for results only since January 1st, 2006. The SQL query is saved in a variable called sql1.
sql1 <- paste("SELECT historic_races.course,
FROM smartform.historic_runners
JOIN smartform.historic_races USING (race_id)
WHERE historic_races.meeting_date >= '2006-01-01'", sep="")
# Now execute the SQL query, using the previously established connection. Results are stored in a variable called smartform_results.
smartform_results <- dbGetQuery(con, sql1)
# Close the database connection, which is good practice
# Race type IDs 12 and 15 correspond to Flat and All Weather races
flat_races_only <- dplyr::filter(smartform_results,
race_type_id == 12 |
race_type_id == 15)
# Filter using the group_race field for Group 1, 2 and 3 races only
group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(flat_races_only,
group_race == 1 |
group_race == 2 |
group_race == 3 )
# For each trainer name, count the number of runs
trainer_group_runs % count(trainer_name)
# Rename the second column in trainer_group_rides to something more logical
# Now filter for only winning runs
group_winners_only <- dplyr::filter(group_races_only,
finish_position == 1)
# For each trainer, count the number of winning runs
trainer_group_wins % count(trainer_name)
# Rename the second column in trainer_group_wins to something more logical
# Join the two dataframes, trainer_group_runs and trainer_group_wins together, using trainer_name as a key
trainer_group_data <- dplyr::full_join(trainer_group_runs, trainer_group_wins, by = "trainer_name")
# Rename all the NA fields in the new dataframe to zero
# If a trainer has not had a group winner, the group_wins field will be NA
# If this is not changed to zero, later calculations will fail
trainer_group_data[is.na(trainer_group_data)] <- 0
# Now calculate the Group race strike rate for all trainers
trainer_group_data$strike_rate <- (trainer_group_data$group_wins / trainer_group_data$group_runs) * 100
# Execute an SQL command to return some daily data
# Connect to the Smartform database. Substitute the placeholder credentials for your own.
# The IP address can be substituted for a remote location if appropriate.
con <- dbConnect(MySQL(),
# This SQL query selects the required columns from the daily_races and daily_runners tables, joining by unique race_id and filtering for results only with today's date. The SQL query is saved in a variable called sql2.
sql2 <- paste("SELECT daily_races.course,
FROM smartform.daily_races
JOIN smartform.daily_runners USING (race_id)
WHERE daily_races.meeting_date >='2018-05-18'", sep="")
# Now execute the SQL query, using the previously established connection. Results are stored in a variable called smartform_daily_results.
smartform_daily_results <- dbGetQuery(con, sql2)
# Close the database connection, which is good practice
# Filter for the Lockinge Stakes only
lockinge_only <- dplyr::filter(smartform_daily_results,
grepl("Lockinge", race_title))
# Using dplyr, join the lockinge_only and trainer_group_data dataframes
lockinge_only_with_sr <- dplyr::inner_join(lockinge_only, trainer_group_data, by = "trainer_name")
# Filter historic data just for A P O'Brien horses
obrien_group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(group_races_only,
grepl("A P O'Brien", trainer_name))
# Non Runners appears as NA, which need to be removed for a true picture and so calulations do not fail
obrien_group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(obrien_group_races_only, !is.na(finish_position))
# Calculate the cumulative total for all O'Brien runners
obrien_cumulative <- cumsum(
ifelse(obrien_group_races_only$finish_position == 1, (obrien_group_races_only$starting_price_decimal-1),-1)
# Add a new column back into obrien_group_races_only, with the cumulative totals
obrien_group_races_only$cumulative <- obrien_cumulative
# Load relevant libraries
# Convert the meeting_date column from character format to Date format
obrien_group_races_only$meeting_date <- as.Date(obrien_group_races_only$meeting_date)
# Plot the chart
ggplot(data=obrien_group_races_only, aes(x=meeting_date, y=cumulative, group=1)) +
geom_line(colour="blue", lwd=0.7) +
scale_x_date(labels = date_format("%Y-%m-%d"), date_breaks="6 months") +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(-300, 10, by = 50)) +
theme_tufte(base_family="serif", base_size = 14) +
geom_rangeframe() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
panel.grid.major.x = element_line(color = "grey80"),
panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = "grey80"))
# Reader Exercise: Aiden O'Brien and Ryan Moore combined in Group Races
obrien_moore_group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(obrien_group_races_only,
grepl("R L Moore", jockey_name))
obrien_moore_cumulative <- cumsum(
ifelse(obrien_moore_group_races_only$finish_position == 1, (obrien_moore_group_races_only$starting_price_decimal-1),-1)
obrien_moore_group_races_only$cumulative <- obrien_moore_cumulative
obrien_moore_group_races_only$meeting_date <- as.Date(obrien_moore_group_races_only$meeting_date)
ggplot(data=obrien_moore_group_races_only, aes(x=meeting_date, y=cumulative, group=1)) +
geom_line(colour="blue", lwd=0.7) +
scale_x_date(labels = date_format("%Y-%m-%d"), date_breaks="6 months") +
theme_tufte(base_family="serif", base_size = 14) +
geom_rangeframe() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
panel.grid.major.x = element_line(color = "grey80"),
panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = "grey80"))
Daily trainer strike rates – how to match for all today’s runners
By Nick Franks on Saturday, May 12th, 2018Today we’re going to build on the last SQL post where we created a query for 14 day strike rates for all trainers who had runners in the past 14 days. It’s all very well knowing how trainers have performed in the last 14 days, but in practice the way we’ll typically want to use that information is to match the strike rates with today’s runners, so we can compare trainer strike rates within a race.
That is what today’s query is going to show. We’ll be converting the query from the last blog post to a new database table, then querying that table with a left outer join combined with data on today’s runners. First, here’s the query that you can run in Smartform yourself, then we’ll explain what is going on.
-- If the temp table exists delete it
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_trainer_stats_table;
-- create the temporary table by using the first query
CREATE TABLE temp_trainer_stats_table AS (
Select a.*,
ROUND(Winners/Runners * 100,0) AS WinPct,
ROUND(Placers/Runners * 100,0) AS PlacePct
SELECT hru.trainer_name as Trainer, hru.trainer_id,
COUNT(*) AS Runners,
SUM(CASE WHEN hru.finish_position = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Winners,
sum(case when hra.num_runners < 8 then case when hru.finish_position in ( 2) then 1 else 0 end
case when hra.num_runners < 16 then case when hru.finish_position in ( 2,3) then 1 else 0 end
case when hra.handicap = 1 then case when hru.finish_position in (2,3,4) then 1 else 0 end
case when hru.finish_position in ( 1,2,3) then 1 else 0 end
end )as Placers,
ROUND(((SUM(CASE WHEN hru.finish_position = 1 THEN (hru.starting_price_decimal -1) ELSE -1 END))),2) AS WinProfit
FROM historic_runners hru
JOIN historic_races hra USING (race_id)
WHERE hra.meeting_date >= ADDDATE(CURDATE(), INTERVAL -14 DAY)
and hra.race_type_id in( 15, 12)
and hru.in_race_comment <> 'Withdrawn'
and hru.starting_price_decimal IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY trainer_name, trainer_id) a);
-- Join the daily runners and daily races to get details of todays card, then do a LEFT OUTER JOIN to get the trainer stats,
-- Where no trainer stats exist NULLS are shown
SELECT substr(dra.scheduled_time, 12,5) as Time, dra.course as Course,
dru.cloth_number as 'No.', dru.name as Horse,
case when dru.stall_number is NULL then "" ELSE dru.stall_number end as Draw, dru.jockey_name as Jockey,
dru.forecast_price as FSP, tmp.*
from daily_races dra
join daily_runners dru using (race_id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN temp_trainer_stats_table tmp using (trainer_id )
where dra.race_type = 'Flat'
and dra.meeting_date = adddate(curdate(), INTERVAL 0 DAY)
-- add a condition here if you want to restrict stats for trainers with less than a certain number of runners
-- eg. [ and runners >=5 ]
order by Time, dru.cloth_number;
Having created a temporary table with the trainer statistics, we now want to join this data to the race card.
The race card data is held in two tables – daily_races and daily runners – which we will join together using the race_id
from daily_races dra
join daily_runners dru using (race_id)
To this we also want to the join the temp_trainer_stats_table we have just created – for this we use a LEFT OUTER JOIN.
This type of join ensures we have the data for every runner in every race on the card, and the trainer data for trainers for which it exists.
For each table I use an identifier eg. Dra
for daily_races, tmp
for the temp_trainer_stats_table, this enables correct identification of data fields which exist in more than one table.
There is far more data available in the race card data that I am using here, but the basics are:
Time – for this I am using a substring function of the scheduled_time data element, the whole value is for example 2018-05-06 13:30:00 using substr(dra.scheduled_time, 12,5)
. I am using 5 characters from position 12 which gives me 13:30.
We could also use this to extract the date. There is also a meeting_data data element. Using either of them you can create a date field using a substring and concatenation function like this:
concat(substr(dra.scheduled_time, 9,2),'-',substr(dra.scheduled_time, 6,2),'-',substr(dra.scheduled_time, 1,4)) as RaceDate
Added to the join of the race card data and the trainer data are two conditions to get only flat races for today
where dra.race_type = 'Flat'
and dra.meeting_date = adddate(curdate(), INTERVAL 0 DAY)
Further criteria could be added to limit the selection to trainers with more than a certain number of runners (eg greater than 4) in the 14 day analysed period
and tmp.runners > 4
and with a strike race greater or equal to 20%
and WinPct >=20
combinations of win percentage, win profit and number of runners would look like this
where dra.race_type = 'Flat'
and dra.meeting_date = adddate(curdate(), INTERVAL 0 DAY)
and tmp.runners > 4
and tmp.WinPct >= 20
and tmp.WinProfit > 0
Running the first query gives us a result set of 488 rows, neatly ordered by rate time for each of today’s races. We’ve attached a CSV of the output for all today’s races, so you can analyse each race according to trainer strike rate and profitability – something you can of course do for yourself every day in Smartform.
CSV Download: 14 day trainer strike rates for every race on Saturday 12th May
In the next post, we’ll look at different options for automating this query on a daily basis.
Jockey SR% in Group Races and Today’s 1000 Guineas
By Phill Clarke on Sunday, May 6th, 2018Last week we looked at a very simple use of Smartform and R to calculate a single jockey’s strike rate. While a decent introduction, the outcome was not particularly useful. Today we’ll extend this example, in a topical manner, to calculate the Group race strike rate of every jockey riding in the 1000 Guineas at Newmarket.
To begin, load the relevant R libraries and execute an SQL query to return some historic data:
# Load the RMySQL and dplyr library packages
# Execute an SQL command to return some historic data
# Connect to the Smartform database. Substitute the placeholder credentials for your own.
# The IP address can be substituted for a remote location if appropriate.
con <- dbConnect(MySQL(),
# This SQL query selects the required columns from the historic_races and historic_runners tables, joining by unique race_id and filtering for results only since January 1st, 2006. The SQL query is saved in a variable called sql1.
sql1 <- paste("SELECT historic_races.course,
FROM smartform.historic_runners
JOIN smartform.historic_races USING (race_id)
WHERE historic_races.meeting_date >= '2006-01-01'", sep="")
# Now execute the SQL query, using the previously established connection. Results are stored in a variable called smartform_results.
smartform_results <- dbGetQuery(con, sql1)
# Close the database connection, which is good practice
The variable smartform_results
now contains a large selection of historic data, which can be used to filter and calculate jockey strike rates. In R there are always multiple methods to achieve the same result. The example code used in this article tries to keep things simple, laying out the steps in a logical manner. There are cleaner, faster and perhaps better ways to achieve the goal, some of which will be explored in future posts.
Next, filter for just flat Group races. The vertical bar, |
, in the code below corresponds to an OR
statement in SQL:
# Race type IDs 12 and 15 correspond to Flat and All Weather races
flat_races_only <- dplyr::filter(smartform_results,
race_type_id == 12 |
race_type_id == 15)
# Filter using the group_race field for Group 1, 2 and 3 races only
group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(flat_races_only,
group_race == 1 |
group_race == 2 |
group_race == 3 )
The variable group_races_only
now contains details of every Flat and All Weather Group race in the Smartform database since January 1st, 2006.
Using this data, the next step is to calculate strike rates of every jockey who has ever ridden in a Group race. The strange looking symbol linking variables in the code below is a pipe command from the dplyr
# For each jockey name, count the number of rides
jockey_group_rides <- group_races_only %>% count(jockey_name)
# Rename the second column in jockey_group_rides to something more logical
# Now filter for only winning rides
group_winners_only <- dplyr::filter(group_races_only,
finish_position == 1)
# For each jockey, count the number of winning rides
jockey_group_wins <- group_winners_only %>% count(jockey_name)
# Rename the second column in jockey_group_wins to something more logical
# Join the two dataframes, jockey_group_rides and jockey_group_wins together, using jockey_name as a key
jockey_group_data <- dplyr::full_join(jockey_group_rides, jockey_group_wins, by = "jockey_name")
# Rename all the NA fields in the new dataframe to zero
# If a jockey has not ridden a group winner, the group_wins field will be NA
# If this is not changed to zero, later calculations will fail
jockey_group_data[is.na(jockey_group_data)] <- 0
# Now calculate the Group race strike rate for all jockeys
jockey_group_data$strike_rate <- (jockey_group_data$group_wins / jockey_group_data$group_rides) * 100
The variable jockey_group_data
now contains the strike rate for every jockey who has ridden in a flat or all weather Group race since January 1st, 2006.
While this may be interesting data, it is perhaps not particularly useful on its own. There are some jockeys with a 100% strike rate, from just one ride.
Next step is to apply this data to today’s 1000 Guineas at Newmarket. To begin, another SQL query is required to return daily racing data.
# Execute an SQL command to return some historic data
# Connect to the Smartform database. Substitute the placeholder credentials for your own.
# The IP address can be substituted for a remote location if appropriate.
con <- dbConnect(MySQL(),
# This SQL query selects the required columns from the daily_races and daily_runners tables, joining by unique race_id and filtering for results only with today's date. The SQL query is saved in a variable called sql2.
sql2 <- paste("SELECT daily_races.course,
FROM smartform.daily_races
JOIN smartform.daily_runners USING (race_id)
WHERE daily_races.meeting_date >='2018-05-06'", sep="")
# Now execute the SQL query, using the previously established connection. Results are stored in a variable called smartform_daily_results.
smartform_daily_results <- dbGetQuery(con, sql2)
# Close the database connection, which is good practice
The variable smartform_daily_results
contains information about all races being run today.
The next step is to filter just for the 1000 Guineas. To do this, a grep
command is used, which conducts a string match on the race_title
# Filter for the 1000 Guineas only
guineas_only <- dplyr::filter(smartform_daily_results,
grepl("1000 Guineas", race_title))
The variable guineas_only
now contains just the basic details for today’s 1000 Guineas.
Lastly, dplyr
is again used to perform a different type of join, which combines the guineas_only
and jockey_group_data
dataframes, using jockey_name
as the key.
# Using dplyr, join the guineas_only and jockey_group_data dataframes
guineas_only_with_sr <- dplyr::inner_join(guineas_only, jockey_group_data, by = "jockey_name")
This results in a new dataframe, guineas_only_with_sr
, which contains three new columns, group_rides
, group_wins
and strike_rate
It should be no surprise that Ryan Moore has the highest strike rate, from a very large sample size of rides, followed by Frankie Dettori, also with a solid number of rides. Jockeys such as Jim Crowley and Silvestre De Sousa should be carefully considered, as they both have a significant sample size of rides, but quite a low winning strike rate.
> guineas_only_with_sr
course race_title meeting_date name jockey_name group_rides group_wins strike_rate
1 Newmarket Qipco 1000 Guineas Stakes (Fillies' Group 1) 2018-05-06 Altyn Orda L Dettori 980 160 16.326531
2 Newmarket Qipco 1000 Guineas Stakes (Fillies' Group 1) 2018-05-06 Anna Nerium Tom Marquand 18 1 5.555556
3 Newmarket Qipco 1000 Guineas Stakes (Fillies' Group 1) 2018-05-06 Billesdon Brook S M Levey 130 5 3.846154
4 Newmarket Qipco 1000 Guineas Stakes (Fillies' Group 1) 2018-05-06 Dan's Dream S De Sousa 316 23 7.278481
5 Newmarket Qipco 1000 Guineas Stakes (Fillies' Group 1) 2018-05-06 Happily R L Moore 1281 250 19.516003
6 Newmarket Qipco 1000 Guineas Stakes (Fillies' Group 1) 2018-05-06 I Can Fly J A Heffernan 571 62 10.858144
7 Newmarket Qipco 1000 Guineas Stakes (Fillies' Group 1) 2018-05-06 Laurens P McDonald 37 5 13.513514
8 Newmarket Qipco 1000 Guineas Stakes (Fillies' Group 1) 2018-05-06 Liquid Amber W J Lee 164 13 7.926829
9 Newmarket Qipco 1000 Guineas Stakes (Fillies' Group 1) 2018-05-06 Madeline Andrea Atzeni 357 52 14.565826
10 Newmarket Qipco 1000 Guineas Stakes (Fillies' Group 1) 2018-05-06 Sarrocchi W M Lordan 357 42 11.764706
11 Newmarket Qipco 1000 Guineas Stakes (Fillies' Group 1) 2018-05-06 Sizzling D O'Brien 98 10 10.204082
12 Newmarket Qipco 1000 Guineas Stakes (Fillies' Group 1) 2018-05-06 Soliloquy W Buick 338 44 13.017751
13 Newmarket Qipco 1000 Guineas Stakes (Fillies' Group 1) 2018-05-06 Vitamin Jim Crowley 471 39 8.280255
14 Newmarket Qipco 1000 Guineas Stakes (Fillies' Group 1) 2018-05-06 Wild Illusion James Doyle 372 46 12.365591
15 Newmarket Qipco 1000 Guineas Stakes (Fillies' Group 1) 2018-05-06 Worship Oisin Murphy 195 16 8.205128
Looking at such a table is interesting, but not very visually appealing. Some people also understand data better when it is presented in chart form, rather than simple numbers in a table. Therefore, we’ll now briefly look at plotting jockey’s Group strike rates as a bar chart.
To do this, another popular R library called ggplot
will be used. The code below creates a simple bar chart:
# Load the ggplot library
# Create a new variable with the jockey name and strike rate data as x and y axis
sr_bar <- ggplot(guineas_only_with_sr, aes(jockey_name, strike_rate))
# Using the sr_bar variable, create a column chart, with blue bars and the x axis labels at a 90% angle from horizontal
sr_bar + geom_col(colour = "blue", fill = "blue") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
This chart makes it obvious that Moore and Dettori have the two superior strike rates when riding in Group races.
Ggplot is a very powerful charting library, with huge number of options. An Rstudio cheatsheet helps to explain some of the most common options.
Further information regarding using the dplyr
library, which has a wide range of very useful data manipulation functions, can be found in this RStudio cheatsheet.
This tutorial could be easily extended to produce trainer or even sire strike rates in Group races, which could provide further useful insights into today’s 1000 Guineas.
Questions and queries about this article should be posted as a comment below or to the Betwise Q&A board.
The full R code used in this article is found below.
# Load the RMySQL and dplyr library packages
# Execute an SQL command to return some historic data
# Connect to the Smartform database. Substitute the placeholder credentials for your own.
# The IP address can be substituted for a remote location if appropriate.
con <- dbConnect(MySQL(),
# This SQL query selects the required columns from the historic_races and historic_runners tables, joining by unique race_id and filtering for results only since January 1st, 2006. The SQL query is saved in a variable called sql1.
sql1 <- paste("SELECT historic_races.course,
FROM smartform.historic_runners
JOIN smartform.historic_races USING (race_id)
WHERE historic_races.meeting_date >= '2006-01-01'", sep="")
# Now execute the SQL query, using the previously established connection. Results are stored in a variable called smartform_results.
smartform_results <- dbGetQuery(con, sql1)
# Close the database connection, which is good practice
# Race type IDs 12 and 15 correspond to Flat and All Weather races
flat_races_only <- dplyr::filter(smartform_results,
race_type_id == 12 |
race_type_id == 15)
# Filter using the group_race field for Group 1, 2 and 3 races only
group_races_only <- dplyr::filter(flat_races_only,
group_race == 1 |
group_race == 2 |
group_race == 3 )
# For each jockey name, count the number of rides
jockey_group_rides <- group_races_only %>% count(jockey_name)
# Rename the second column in jockey_group_rides to something more logical
# Now filter for only winning rides
group_winners_only <- dplyr::filter(group_races_only,
finish_position == 1)
# For each jockey, count the number of winning rides
jockey_group_wins <- group_winners_only %>% count(jockey_name)
# Rename the second column in jockey_group_wins to something more logical
# Join the two dataframes, jockey_group_rides and jockey_group_wins together, using jockey_name as a key
jockey_group_data <- dplyr::full_join(jockey_group_rides, jockey_group_wins, by = "jockey_name")
# Rename all the NA fields in the new dataframe to zero
# If a jockey has not ridden a group winner, the group_wins field will be NA
# If this is not changed to zero, later calculations will fail
jockey_group_data[is.na(jockey_group_data)] <- 0
# Now calculate the Group race strike rate for all jockeys
jockey_group_data$strike_rate <- (jockey_group_data$group_wins / jockey_group_data$group_rides) * 100
# Execute an SQL command to return some historic data
# Connect to the Smartform database. Substitute the placeholder credentials for your own.
# The IP address can be substituted for a remote location if appropriate.
con <- dbConnect(MySQL(),
# This SQL query selects the required columns from the daily_races and daily_runners tables, joining by unique race_id and filtering for results only with today's date. The SQL query is saved in a variable called sql2.
sql2 <- paste("SELECT daily_races.course,
FROM smartform.daily_races
JOIN smartform.daily_runners USING (race_id)
WHERE daily_races.meeting_date >='2018-05-06'", sep="")
# Now execute the SQL query, using the previously established connection. Results are stored in a variable called smartform_daily_results.
smartform_daily_results <- dbGetQuery(con, sql2)
# Close the database connection, which is good practice
# Filter for the 1000 Guineas only
guineas_only <- dplyr::filter(smartform_daily_results,
grepl("1000 Guineas", race_title))
# Using dplyr, join the guineas_only and jockey_group_data dataframes
guineas_only_with_sr <- dplyr::inner_join(guineas_only, jockey_group_data, by = "jockey_name")
# Load the ggplot library
# Create a new variable with the jockey name and strike rate data as x and y axis
sr_bar <- ggplot(guineas_only_with_sr, aes(jockey_name, strike_rate))
# Using the sr_bar variable, create a column chart, with blue bars and the x axis labels at a 90% angle from horizontal
sr_bar + geom_col(colour = "blue", fill = "blue") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
Daily trainer strike rates in Smartform
By Nick Franks on Saturday, May 5th, 2018There are many ways to skin a cat in Smartform. One of the simplest is to stick with SQL and stay in the database, without resorting to programming or exporting the data.
So here is a breakdown of how to generate one of the most commonly used “derived” statistics in horseracing – trainer strike rates. We hear that trainers whose horses are currently in good form are worth backing – but how can we tell?
The following single SQL produces Trainer strike rates for all daily Flat races in the database, calculated over a period of 14 days. Copy and paste the code at your MySQL command prompt:
Select a.*,
ROUND(Winners/Runners * 100,0) AS WinPct,
ROUND(Placers/Runners * 100,0) AS PlacePct
SELECT hru.trainer_name as Trainer, hru.trainer_id,
COUNT(*) AS Runners,
SUM(CASE WHEN hru.finish_position = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Winners,
sum(case when hra.num_runners < 8 then case when hru.finish_position in ( 2) then 1 else 0 end
case when hra.num_runners < 16 then case when hru.finish_position in ( 2,3) then 1 else 0 end
case when hra.handicap = 1 then case when hru.finish_position in (2,3,4) then 1 else 0 end
case when hru.finish_position in ( 1,2,3) then 1 else 0 end
end )as Placers,
ROUND(((SUM(CASE WHEN hru.finish_position = 1 THEN (hru.starting_price_decimal -1) ELSE -1 END))),2) AS WinProfit
FROM historic_runners hru
JOIN historic_races hra USING (race_id)
WHERE hra.meeting_date >= ADDDATE(CURDATE(), INTERVAL -14 DAY)
and hra.race_type_id in( 15, 12)
and hru.in_race_comment <> 'Withdrawn'
and hru.starting_price_decimal IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY trainer_name, trainer_id
) a
Where runners >= 5 or winners >= 3
ORDER BY WinProfit desc
The approach is to generate a query within a query – to allow the use of the counts done in the main query to be used to create the strike rate percentages.
The main part joins the historic_runners and historic_races tables by race_id.
The WHERE clause defines the criteria
Firstly, define the period over which you want the analysis, here we set it to analyze races in the last 14 days
hra.meeting_date >= ADDDATE(CURDATE(), INTERVAL -14 DAY)
Secondly we define the race types for all Flat races (12 for Turf and 15 for All Weather)
All of these can be found running the SQL statement:
select distinct race_type, race_type_id from historic_races; )
The final criteria helps to eliminate horses who have not actually participated that are in the database, non-runners, withdrawn etc. There are a number of ways to do this and one can find their own criteria, but I use this:
and hru.in_race_comment <> 'Withdrawn'
and hru.starting_price_decimal IS NOT NULL
The outer section of the SQL selects all the data from the inner part and displays it and calculates the strike rates. The )a
afterwards is required by SQL.
Finally in Green are the sorting instructions and some other criteria.
Also note that here I am choosing to only display trainers who have had at least 5 runners or at least 3 winners.
Where runners >= 5
or winners >= 3
I am ordering them in order of greatest win profit
ORDER BY WinProfit desc
And limiting the number of trainers displayed to 20
So on the day of the 2000 Guineas, Brian Meehan is currently the most profitable trainer to follow, with £47 retuns, but P W Hiatt has the highest strike rate, with 60% – albeit with only 5 runners in the last few days.
If you’re looking for a trainer with a high strike rate from at leasy double digit runners in the last 14 days, then Mark Usher, with a 33% win strike and 25% place strike, is impressive.
Adapt the SQL above to generate daily trainer strike rates so you can judge for yourself.
Calculating Strike Rate using Smartform and R
By Phill Clarke on Saturday, April 28th, 2018The simple goal of this article is to show how to calculate jockey Frankie Dettori’s win strike rate at Ascot since 2009, using the Smartform database and the R statistical programming language.
The article begins with the assumption that the Smartform MySQL database has been successfully installed following the instructions provided in the user manual. Some familiarity with basic programming concepts is assumed and the reader will most likely be required to conduct some of their own research to understand some aspects of the R language.
The R language may be installed directly from the project’s website as a binary for Linux, Mac and Windows platforms. Many Linux distributions also include the R language in their repositories for installation via a package manager.
Once R is successfully installed, it is then recommended to install the RStudio integrated development environment (IDE). This will assist to make writing R code easier and is more user friendly than working with just the R command prompt. RStudio provides many useful tools and frameworks for R. The IDE is available as a free download from their website.
Once R and RStudio IDE is installed, it’s time to start writing code.
The first step is to retrieve data from the installed Smartform MySQL database. An additional R library is required for this. The easiest SQL connection library for our purposes is RMySQL. The following code demonstrates the steps required to install this library. Simply cut and paste this code snippet into the Console window in RStudio.
This step may also be achieved by selecting Tools / Install Packages from the RStudio menu options. If all went well RMySQL and its dependencies should have been successfully installed.
Next step is to connect to the Smartform database. This may have been installed locally or on a remote server.
# Load the RMySQL library package
# Connect to the Smartform database. Substitute the placeholder credentials for your own.
# The IP address can be substituted for a remote location if appropriate.
con <- dbConnect(MySQL(),
There are a number of different ways to use the RMySQL package, in terms of the dbConnect arguement. The manual for this package, which can be found at Github or as a PDF from the CRAN package homepage, describes creating configuration files and additional options.
Once connection to the Smartform database is established, the next step is to retrieve some data. The SQL query language has many options and is very powerful. However, this article will endeavour to keep things simple.
# This SQL query selects the required columns from the historic_races and historic_runners tables, joining by unique race_id and filtering for results only since January 1st, 2009. The SQL query is saved in a variable called sql1.
sql1 <- paste("SELECT historic_races.course,
FROM smartform.historic_runners
JOIN smartform.historic_races USING (race_id)
WHERE historic_races.meeting_date >= '2009-01-01'", sep="")
# Now execute the SQL query, using the previously established connection. Results are stored in a variable called smartform_results.
smartform_results <- dbGetQuery(con, sql1)
# Close the database connection, which is good practice
If all went well, there will now be a new R dataframe containing in excess of 118,000 results, which is every ride for every jockey at every course, since January 1st 2009. This data can now be filtered to retain just Dettori’s rides at Ascot. There are often multiple ways to achieve the same result when using R. We’ll load another R library called dplyr (which will need to be installed first) in order to again keep things simple where possible.
# Load the dplyr library
# Filter the long list of all courses for Ascot only
ascot_only <- dplyr::filter(smartform_results,
course %in% c("Ascot"))
# Filter all Ascot runs for Dettori's rides only
dettori_rides <- dplyr::filter(ascot_only,
jockey_name %in% c("L Dettori"))
A few assumptions have been made with the above code. Firstly, we know exactly how Dettori’s name appears in the database, so we can match on the exact string. We also haven’t differentiated between Flat and National Hunt racing at Ascot, because Frankie Dettori only rides on the Flat.
The data contained in the dataframe dettori_rides
now contains every Dettori ride at Ascot since 2009. Next step is to calculate strike rate. This is a very simple calculation where total wins are divided by total rides and multiplied by one hundred, to obtain a percentage.
# Count total rides for Dettori at Ascot
total_rides <- nrow(dettori_rides)
# Filter for only winning rides. i.e. finish position is 1
dettori_wins <- dplyr::filter(dettori_rides,
finish_position == 1)
# Count total winning rides
total_wins <- nrow(dettori_wins)
# Calculate strike rate
dettori_strike_rate <- (total_wins / total_rides) * 100
# Display strike rate
# 14.90683
At the time of writing this article, Frankie Dettori’s total win strike rate at Ascot, since 2009, is 14.91%
This concludes the current article. In future posts, additional statistics will be calculated and a deeper understanding of the R language obtained.
Questions and queries about this article should be posted as a comment below or on the Betwise Q&A board.
The full R code used in this article is found below.
# Load the required library packages
# Connect to the Smartform database. Substitute the placeholder credentials for your own.
# The IP address can be substituted for a remote location if appropriate.
con <- dbConnect(MySQL(),
# This SQL query selects the required columns from the historic_races and historic_runners tables, joining by unique race_id and filtering for results only since January 1st, 2009. The SQL query is saved in a variable called sql1.
sql1 <- paste("SELECT historic_races.course,
FROM smartform.historic_runners
JOIN smartform.historic_races USING (race_id)
WHERE historic_races.meeting_date >= '2009-01-01'", sep="")
# Now execute the SQL query, using the previously established connection. Results are stored in a variable called smartform_results.
smartform_results <- dbGetQuery(con, sql1)
# Close the database connection, which is good practice
# Filter the long list of all courses for Ascot only
ascot_only <- dplyr::filter(smartform_results,
course %in% c("Ascot"))
# Filter all Ascot runs for Dettori's rides only
dettori_rides <- dplyr::filter(ascot_only,
jockey_name %in% c("L Dettori"))
# Count total rides for Dettori at Ascot
total_rides <- nrow(dettori_rides)
# Filter for only winning rides. i.e. finish position is 1
dettori_wins <- dplyr::filter(dettori_rides,
finish_position == 1)
# Count total winning rides
total_wins <- nrow(dettori_wins)
# Calculate strike rate
dettori_strike_rate <- (total_wins / total_rides) * 100
# Display strike rate
# 14.90683
Cheltenham – Final Day
By colin on Thursday, March 13th, 2014Thank goodness it’s the last day. I am a Cheltenham traditionalist, so technically this last day should not even exist, the Gold Cup should already have been run, and I should not have to blog having arrived home late on a bumpy taxi ride. Never again – roll on the month long breaks between posts of the past. But once you’ve started a Cheltenham selections blog, it’s just not on to stop – even if nobody is reading!
Anyway, I digress. Cheltenham selections for the final day, as powered by the wonder of Smartform, are:
13:30: Guitar Pete
14:05: Diakali
14:40: Briar Hill
15:20: Bobs Worth
16:00: Harbour Court
16:40: Une Artiste
17:15: Oiseau de Nuit
All we need at this stage is just one decent priced winner to put the system in LSP, and not a bad strike rate to boot, for the whole of the Festival.
Good luck!